Monday, September 15, 2008



This process allows for a reflective process in which the practitioner engages in reflective practices in regards to information outlined for this project. Also allowing for the process to refine and present a critique process in sifting information out, so as to create a robust approach.

As with working in a new field the ability to reflect and review is essential for the purpose of social workers and counselors in this approach.

Audio and Video Manipliation

5th Workshop 1 July

Audio and video manipulation Continue with blogs

I tried to engage was difficult with the workload and needing a break. However Dave Snell knowledge base was enormous and welcoming. Showing the video approaches also the digital cameras was of great interest

Introduction to Audio

4th Workshop 24 June

Introduction to audio manipulation Continue with blogs

Again the engage of this process was trying to balance increasing work loads and set committed time to this process. However seeing my friend Hemi approach was great and other students, which to me was fascinating.

The time management was something that I could reflect upon for any other person taking a similar course, because it is in social work terms a TASK CENTRED APPROACH in which goals would have been achieved

Setting up Blogs

Third workshop 17 June

Finish setting up blogs, begin digital audio planning

As indicated losing your password for blogging was frustrating, however having my friend Hemi was a great help. In doing so the more you blog the discussions on the blackboard is great

Review of Goals

Second Workshop 10 June

Having the goals prepare a planned approached for the purpose of this project

First Goal:
Diversity of the field s of Practice
My observation of this process was that the literacy for social work and counseling was enormous due to the accessibility of information that is available on the modern approaches within the various fields of social and counseling

Second Goal:
The age of literacy projections
Again the advance electronic process was well advanced by videos and u tubes which did not reflect good images( fighting) with youth at risk

Third Goal:
Case management of clients electronically
Data base combined with video approaches extends the field of social work and counseling. Also the matching of faces of clients with high risk clients

Four Goal:
Indigenous literacy approach
Using this process for indigenous advancement is a step in the electronic direction. It also engages in Maori seeking communication a information sharing which may not be seen as culturally appropriate( kanohi ki te kanohi) face to face not through a electronic process

Fifth Goal:
Professional development for Social workers and counselor in this filed

First Workshop Introductions & Objectives

Tuesday 3 June 2008

What is digital literacy?
Introductions to a new field of digital literacy which incorporated a variety of ways to disseminate information through a electronic process

This process is about filling in the necessary forms and reading the literacy material

· Investigate the literacy process to further advance social work and counseling process for the purpose of practitioners.
· Integrate a electronic process that would enhance social work and counseling research methodologies
· Engage in electronic process to advance the data base for the purpose of research and furthering the profession of case management of clients
· Engage Maori social workers into the electronic process to further advance working with Maori clients, by electronic case management. Also to review case plans and reviews through a electronic process, compare to meeting individuals
· Look at up skilling social workers and counselors in the electronic field for the purpose of diversity and using other processes

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Kuia Maringi Kaa Taratu

The memories of my kuia Maringi KaaTaratu touches a soft chord in my life as she was one person who had a tremendous in fluence in my life.This blog is dedicated to her and all her grad children and all her mokopunas

As i travel in my mind to the events that touch me as a young person , who was brought up in the 50's and 60's the very presence of my kuia9 gradmother) emanates with history.
It was recorded that my kuia mother lived to the age of 113 years old and was present at the Rangiaowhia massacre in which many Maori lost their lives through blood shed. This was under the Ceneral Cameron ( Lame Duck) and General Von Temspky. Scenes of a heavy causaltiy of life was on the Maori side with my great grandmother told by the old people to run for her life.
The scence was in human as church buildings were set alight with Maori people in the building, the surrendering and being shot was profound and ghastly.

The escape for my great grandmother was through the flight to the King country in which she took cover from the military might. The stories are a oral account of keeping history alive within our families, and the memories of the injustices of Rangiowhia.

My kuia was recorded to be born in the late 1870 after the Land wars in which lives were lost by Waikato and the taking of land under the New Zealand Act 1863.